Bylaws amended by substitution on April 27, 2017 at the Organizing Convention of the Wasatch County Republican Party
1. Name, Purpose, and Membership
1.1 Name: The name of this organization shall be the Wasatch County Republican Party, also referred to as the County Party or the Party.
1.2 Purpose: The Party seeks to promote the establishment and continuance of responsible government at all levels, based on the Divine principles of individual freedom and accountability, respecting the rights of all citizens, and requiring the discharge of civic duty. To accomplish this purpose, the Party shall nominate and support the election of Republican candidates in partisan races for public office, promote the principles set forth in the County Party platform, and perform Party functions set forth in the election laws of the State of Utah and the Bylaws of the Party.
1.3 Membership: Membership in the Party is open to all residents of Wasatch County who support the views of the Party, adhere to its principles and objectives, and are registered to vote as a Republican.
2. County Party Officers
2.1 Qualifications and Election: All County Party officers shall be qualified and elected according to the State Party Constitution Article VII, and these Bylaws. No officer may serve in more than one (1) office, except the County Representative(s) to the State Central Committee may also serve as a County Party Officer or as a Precinct Officer.
2.2 Enumeration and Responsibilities: The County Party officers and their respective responsibilities are as follows:
2.2.1 Chair: The Chair shall act as the chief executive officer of the Party, shall serve as Chair of the County Central Committee, and may serve as a member of any additional committees. The Chair shall execute the policies determined by the County Central Committee and its subcommittees, and may vote in the meetings of any said committees to make or break a tie. The Chair shall perform all duties imposed by these Bylaws and other duties assigned by the County Central Committee. The Chair shall attend the State Central Committee Meetings and shall be an automatic delegate to the County Conventions.
2.2.2 Vice-Chair: The Vice-Chair shall assist the Chair in the Chair’s duties, and shall act in the capacity of Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall serve as a member of the County Central Committee, and shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair. The Vice-Chair shall attend the State Central Committee Meetings and shall be an automatic delegate to the County Conventions.
2.2.3 Secretary: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record and account of all meetings of the County Central Committee, and shall be responsible for the timely notice of all County Central Committee meetings. The Secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the Party until a successor is selected and qualified, and shall turn over all such records to the successor in a timely manner. The Secretary shall serve as a member of the County Central Committee, and shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair. The Secretary shall be an automatic delegate to the County Conventions.
2.2.4 Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive and account for all monies of the Party, disbursing no funds for items other than those budgeted, except with the approval of the Chair or County Central Committee. The Treasurer shall serve as a member of the County Central Committee, and shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair. The Treasurer shall be an automatic delegate to the County Conventions.
2.2.5 Media Specialist: The Media Specialist will provide Wasatch County Republican Party information to members of the County Party and to the public by doing the following: regularly update the County Party Website, post information on social media, write and submit press releases and news articles, and publish notices and advertisements of upcoming meetings, conventions, Neighborhood Caucus Elections, and other events. All public communications must be approved by the County Party Chair or Vice Chair. (Any interviews by the media will take place with the Chair or Vice-Chair.) The Media Specialist shall serve as a member of the County Central Committee and shall perform all other duties assigned by the Chair. The Media Specialist shall be an automatic delegate to the County Conventions.
2.2.6 State Central Committee Representative: The State Central Committee Representative shall be chosen by the County delegates at the County Organizing Convention. The duties of the State Central Committee Representative are set forth in the Utah Republican Party Constitution and Bylaws.
2.3 Term: The County officers shall be elected to serve a term of two (2) years, and shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified, except the State Central Committee Representative, who shall serve from the State Organizing Convention to the next State Organizing Convention.
2.4 Removal: No County Party Officer shall be removed from office except by a majority vote of the entire membership of the County Central Committee. The officer to be removed shall be given at least fourteen (14) days advance written notice of the intent to remove and the grounds and reasons for which removal is sought. Notice will be given by the Chair or the Vice-Chair if the Chair is to be removed. The officer shall also be given an opportunity for a fair hearing at a County Central Committee meeting. The decision of the County Central Committee shall be final.
2.5 Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy in any of the County offices, the County Central Committee shall meet within thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs and shall appoint a successor by a majority vote. The appointment shall be for the remainder of the term for the office vacated.
3. County Central Committee
3.1 Powers: The County Central Committee shall be the governing and policy-making body of the Party.
3.2 Membership: The members of the County Central Committee shall be the Party Chair, the Party Vice-Chair, the Party Secretary, the Party Treasurer, the County Representative(s) to the State Central Committee, the Chair and Vice-Chair of each county voting precinct, and the previous Party Chair.
3.3 Meetings: The County Central Committee shall meet at least quarterly. The Chair or 25% of all the members of the Central Committee may call special County Central Committee meetings.
3.4 Quorum: A quorum necessary to conduct binding business of the County Central Committee shall be 25 % of the total members of the County Central Committee.
3.5 Notice of Meetings: A regular, quarterly County Central Committee meeting shall be called by mailing, or return receipt e-mailing, a notice at least two (2) weeks before the intended meeting. A special County Central Committee meeting shall be called by mailing a notice at least one (1) week before the intended meeting.
3.6 No business may be considered at a County Central Committee meeting unless properly noticed by inclusion in the agenda, except by a 2/3 vote of the members in attendance to add an item to the agenda.
3.7 Attendance requirement: The attendance requirement for members of the County Central Committee is no more than 2 absences within a twelve (12) month period. Failure to meet this requirement will vacate the seat upon determination by the County Executive Committee.
4. County Committees
4.1 Executive Committee: The Executive Committee consists of the County Party officers and the County Representative to the State Central Committee.
4.2 Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee shall have at least three (3) members, appointed by the County Central Committee, and shall be the guardian of the bylaws. It is responsible for reviewing the bylaws and making recommendations to the County Central Committee for changes as the need arises. A chair of the Bylaws Committee will be elected by a majority of the members of the Bylaws Committee and will serve for a term of two (2) years. A chair may serve for more than one term if the individual is reappointed to serve on the committee and if the individual is re-elected by committee members.
4.3 Platform Committee: The Platform Committee shall have at least three (3) members, appointed by the County Central Committee, and shall be the guardian of the platform. It is responsible for reviewing the County Party Platform and making recommendations to the County Central Committee for changes as the need arises. A chair of the Platform Committee will be elected by a majority of the members of the Platform Committee and will serve for a term of two (2) years. A chair may serve for more than one term if the individual is reappointed to serve on the committee and if the individual is re-elected by committee members.
4.4 Members of the Bylaws and Platform Committees need not be members of the County Central Committee.
4.5 Grievance Committee: The Grievance Committee shall consist of the vice-chair from each voting Precinct, and shall hear and resolve all grievances against the Party or its officers arising from any cause. The Grievance Committee may determine that the grievance is without merit, or may forward the grievance to the County Central Committee at its next regularly scheduled meeting. A quorum necessary to conduct binding business of the Grievance Committee shall be eight (8) voting members of the Committee. All actions of the Grievance Committee may be appealed to the County Central Committee. The decision of the County Central Committee shall be final.
4.6 Auxiliary Committees: Any number of auxiliary committees may be created by the Central Committee to assist or advise the Central Committee. Each such committee shall remain auxiliary and subordinate to the Central Committee.
4.6.1 Auxiliary Committee Membership: The membership of each auxiliary committee shall be appointed by the County Central Committee upon creation of the auxiliary committee. The length of term for auxiliary committee members will be no more than two (2) years or until a successor is elected. Auxiliary committee members may serve for more than one term if reappointed by the County Central Committee.
4.6.2 Auxiliary Committee Chairs: A chair of each auxiliary committee will be elected by a majority of the members of that committee. The length of term for a committee chair will be no more than two (2) years. A committee chair may serve for more than one term if reappointed to serve on the committee and if re-elected as chair.
4.6.3 Auxiliary Committee Meetings: The requirements for meetings of each auxiliary committee shall be determined by the Central Committee upon creation of the auxiliary committee.
4.6.4 Quorum Requirement for Committees: A quorum necessary to conduct the business of each committee may be specified by the Central Committee, or if not specified, shall be a majority of the voting members of the committee.
5. Caucuses and Precinct Officers
5.1 Eligibility to Vote in County Caucuses: Only registered Republicans will be eligible to vote in county caucuses, as per RNC Rules. “Only persons eligible to vote who are deemed as a matter of public record to be Republicans pursuant to state law or, if voters are not enrolled by party, by Republican party rules of a state, shall participate in any primary election held for the purpose of electing delegates or alternate delegates to the national convention or in any Republican caucus, mass meeting, or mass convention held for the purpose of selecting delegates to the county, district, or state conventions. And only such legal and qualified voters shall be elected as delegates to county, district, and state conventions.” Voter registration forms will be available at the caucus meeting. Participants may register as Republicans at that time.
5.2 Qualification and Election of Precinct Party Officers: All precinct Party officers shall be qualified and elected according to the Utah Republican Party Constitution, the Utah Republican Party Bylaws, and these Bylaws.
5.3 Voting: Voting for a precinct officer, party officer, or delegate may be by preferential voting or by multiple ballots. No precinct officer, party officer, or delegate may be elected by a plurality (less than 50% of those voting).
5.4 Enumeration and Responsibilities: The Precinct Party Officers and their respective responsibilities are as follows:
5.4.1 Precinct Chair: The Precinct Chair shall organize and conduct the precinct’s Party caucus, according to the Utah Republican Party Constitution and these Bylaws. The Precinct Chair shall assure that Party registrars and judges of elections are appointed for the Chair’s precinct. The Chair shall serve as a member of the County Central Committee and shall perform all other duties assigned by the County Chair. The Precinct Chair shall be an automatic delegate to the County Convention. If the Precinct Chair cannot attend the County Convention, an alternate county delegate should attend in the place of the Precinct Chair. Alternate county delegates are elected at precinct caucuses.
5.4.2 Precinct Vice-Chair: The Precinct Vice-Chair shall assist the Precinct Chair in the Precinct Chair’s duties, and shall act in the capacity of Precinct Chair in the absence or incapacity of the Chair. The Precinct Vice-Chair shall serve as a member of the County Central Committee, and shall perform all other duties assigned by the Precinct Chair. The Precinct Vice-Chair shall be an automatic delegate to the County Convention. If the Precinct Vice-Chair cannot attend the County Convention, an alternate county delegate should attend in the place of the Precinct Vice-Chair. Alternate county delegates are elected at the precinct caucuses.
5.4.3 Precinct Secretary: The Precinct Secretary shall keep an accurate record and account of the precinct caucus and any other precinct meetings, and shall be responsible for the timely notice of precinct meetings. The Precinct Secretary shall be the custodian of the records of the Party and shall turn over all such records to the successor in a timely manner. The Precinct Secretary shall not be an automatic delegate to the County Convention.
5.4.4 Precinct Treasurer: The Precinct Treasurer shall receive and account for all monies of the precinct, disbursing no funds for items other than those budgeted, except with the approval of the Precinct Chair and Precinct Vice-Chair. The Precinct Treasurer shall not be an automatic delegate to the County Convention.5.4.5 The roles of Precinct Secretary and Precinct Treasurer may be filled by two individuals or by one individual.5.4.6 Terms. The precinct officers shall be elected to serve a term of two (2) years, and shall serve until their successors are duly elected and qualified.
5.5 Removal: No precinct officer shall be removed from office, except by a majority vote of the entire membership of the County Central Committee, or by failure to attend (see 3.7). The officer to be removed shall be given at least fourteen (14) days advance written notice of the intent to remove and the grounds and reasons for which removal is sought. Notice will be given by the County Chair. The officer shall also be given an opportunity for a fair hearing at a County Central Committee meeting. The decision of the County Central Committee shall be final.
5.6 Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy in any of the precinct offices, the County Chair shall present the name of a replacement at the next County Central Committee Meeting or County Convention for approval by majority vote. If the position of Precinct Chair is vacated then the Vice-Chair will be recommended to fill the position. If the position of Precinct Vice-Chair is vacated then the successor shall be chosen from the list of those who attended the most recent regularly scheduled caucus meeting in that precinct. The County Chair shall consult with the Precinct Chair (or with the Precinct Vice-Chair if the position vacated is that of the Precinct Chair) in selecting a successor to fill any vacancy. The appointment shall be for the remainder of the term for the office vacated.
6. County and State Delegates
6.1 County Delegate Allocation: In addition to the County Chair and Vice-Chair, each precinct will be allotted one (1) county delegate for the first one hundred (100) registered Republican voters, and one (1) additional delegate per fifty (50) registered Republican voters beyond one hundred (100), as of thirty (30) days prior to the precinct meeting.
6.2 State Delegate Allocation: The County Chair, the County Vice-Chair, and the County Representative to the State Central Committee shall be automatic representatives to the State Convention. The balance of the state delegates will be elected at the precinct caucus, as per the Utah Republican Party Constitution.
6.3 Failure to Elect Sufficient County and/or State Delegates: “If any precinct fails to elect sufficient delegates to the county convention or state convention, the County Central Committee may designate delegates to the county convention from qualified members residing in the precinct, and the state delegate positions may be filled from qualified members by the county convention. These state delegates shall reside in the same congressional, Utah House, and Utah Senate districts as the precinct.” (Utah Republican Party Constitution)
6.4 County and/or State Delegate Vacancy: “If a delegate dies, resigns, or is disqualified prior to a county or state nominating or organizing convention, the County Party precinct chair shall appoint a replacement from the precinct of the deceased, resigned, or disqualified delegate. If precinct elected alternate delegates…are available, the precinct chair shall appoint the alternate delegate.” (Utah Republican Party Constitution) [Disqualification includes a delegate moving out of the boundaries of the delegate’s precinct.]
6.5 Alternate County Delegates: If a precinct has less than five (5) County Delegates, that precinct is to elect at least one (1) Alternate County Delegate at the caucus meeting. If a precinct has five (5) or more County Delegates, that precinct is to elect at least two (2) Alternate County Delegates. An Alternate County Delegate is to fill the seat of any delegate in that precinct who is unable to attend either of the County Conventions. No proxy voting will be allowed at the County Conventions.
6.6 Alternate State Delegates: An alternate delegate to the State Convention shall be elected at the precinct caucus to fill the seat of any delegate in that precinct who is unable to attend a State Convention. No proxy voting will be allowed at the State Conventions.
6.7 Alternate County Delegate Unable to Attend County Convention: If there is a need for an Alternate County Delegate to attend a County Convention, but the Alternate County Delegate is unable to attend, then the Precinct Chair may select an individual who resides in the same precinct and assign the individual to attend that particular County Convention. The Precinct Chair is to notify the County Chair of the situation and provide the County Chair with the name of the assigned alternate at least five (5) calendar days before the County Convention.
7. County and State Conventions
7.1 County Organizing Convention: The County Organizing Convention, held in odd-numbered years, shall elect a County Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Media Specialist, Treasurer, and County Representative(s) to the State Central Committee.
7.1.1 Eligibility: In order to be eligible to run for and serve in any position on the County Executive Committee, an individual must be a resident of Wasatch County and must be a registered Republican.
7.1.2 Declaration of candidacy for County Chair and County Vice-Chair shall be filed in writing to a county party officer at least seven (7) Calendar days prior to the County Organizing Convention.
7.1.3 If no declarations are received, the current County Chair and/or County Vice-Chair shall retain his/her/their seat(s).
7.2 County Nominating Convention: The County Nominating Convention, held in even-numbered years, shall nominate Party candidates for county offices.
7.3 Notice of Conventions: Notification of the County Organizing and the County Nomination Conventions shall be made by mailing, or return receipt e-mailing, a notice at least two (2) weeks prior to the County Convention.
7.4 A quorum at the County Organizing Convention and at the County Nomination Convention is a majority of the total number of County Delegates who are serving at the time of the Convention.
7.5 Voting Procedures for County Nominating Convention: In the event that three or more candidates are nominated for the same office, the convention shall use multiple ballots to choose Party nominees. The County Party Central Committee shall certify the method of election for the County Nominating Convention at least 14 days prior to the convention. When using multiple ballots, more than one candidate may be eliminated in each round, provided that the sum of the votes received by the candidates to be eliminated does not exceed the number of votes received by the next highest candidate, and that at least two candidates remain on the ballot. The two top candidates shall participate in the final ballot. A candidate for an office that receives 60% or more of the votes cast at any point in the balloting process shall become the Party’s candidate without the necessity of running in the primary election.
8. Eligibility for Office and Nomination
8.1 Equal Rights: The Party believes in the equal rights of all individuals. The Party shall not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, or gender.
8.2 Eligibility for Nomination: Republican candidates who wish to run for any partisan county office must submit a statement seven (7) calendar days prior to the County Party Convention specifying either of the following statements:
“I have read the Utah State and County Republican Party Platforms. I support those Platforms and accept them as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be judged.”
“I have read the Utah State and County Republican Party Platforms. Except for the provisions specifically noted below, I support those Platforms and accept them as the standard by which my performance as a candidate and as an officeholder should be judged.”
9. Parliamentary Authority
9.1 The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all meetings of the Party in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and any special rules of order the Party may adopt.
10. Amendment of Bylaws
10.1 Amendments: These Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the entire membership of the County Central Committee, or by a 2/3 vote of the delegates at a County Party Convention.